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There are many fine police officers across Australia who are dedicated to serving the community, they deserve our utmost respect and support.


Next time you see a cop please give them a big cheers and a thumbs up, to let them know how much we appreciate the difficult job they do.​

The good police officers do not cancel out the abusive officers, they are two completely separate things

Often when there are incidents of police abuse senior officers or politicians will point to the good work done by the police. However, the actions of good police officers cannot negate the actions of abusive officers.


The positive work carried out by some police officers should not be used as an excuse or justification for the abuse inflicted by others. It is crucial to recognize that these two aspects are distinct from one another.


Individuals who fall victim to police abuse endure tremendous suffering, often without any justifiable cause, simply because a police officer chose to misuse their power.


Such officers must be immediately terminated from their positions and subjected to full legal prosecution. Similarly, any senior officer who conceals, disregards, or defends the abusive behaviour should also face the same consequences, as they contribute to enabling police abuse.

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