Justice Matters is unable to provide legal advice; this information is for general purposes only. You should seek Legal Advice in relation to your individual matter.
General tips
If possible, always film the police.
Stay calm, be polite and cooperate.
Do not abuse, threaten, resist or touch a police officer.
Follow their instructions.
Call them ‘Officer’.
Answering police’ questions
If the police ask you a question ask them whether you have to answer.
If they say yes, tell them you do not consent and answer the question truthfully.
Repeat the above for every question they ask.
If the police say you don’t have to answer then say “No comment.”
There is no such thing as an off the record conversation with the police.
If stopped by the police
Ask them why they have stopped you and whether you are free to go.
If they say no, tell them you do not consent and follow their instructions.
If they want to take you to a police station
Ask them why you have to go to a police station and whether you are free to go.
If they say no, tell them you do not consent and follow their instructions.
If police come to your home
Tell them they do not have your permission to enter your property.
Tell them you would like them to leave.
If they say no, tell them you do not consent and follow their instructions.
If the police phone you
Do not answer private numbers.
If someone calls claiming to be a police officer tell them you don’t know who they are and hang up.
Communicating with police
Generally speaking you don’t have to communicate with the police.
If you want to communicate with them, get their email address.
Avoid verbal conversations wherever possible because they are unverifiable.
If you are unsure, get Legal Advice.
Police interviews
If the police want to interview you, ask them if you can refuse.
If they say no, tell them you do not consent and follow their instructions.
Every time they ask you a question, ask whether you have to answer.
Do not sign any statement unless you agree that it is what you said.
Police searches
If the police ask to search you, ask them if you are allowed to refuse.
If they say no, tell them you do not consent and follow their instructions.
If you are being harassed by the police
Police harassment is preventable.
If possible, always film the police.
Stand up for your rights.
Practice being firm and polite.
Learn when you must interact with the police.
Learn when you can ignore them.
Learn when you can tell them to leave you alone.
Do not break the law.
Do not give the police an opportunity to harass you.
Get Legal Advice to find out what you can do to stop the police harassing you.