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Exposing corruption & cover ups

Your story of Police bullying and cover up sounds awful and traumatic. And unfortunately is way too common: along with being perpetrators themselves, and just breathtaking incompetence (to the point where women and children end up getting killed), or helping the perp by taking an ADVO out against the victim. To the point I’m looking at the feasibility of a class action vs the Police by women in NSW.

It is difficult to comprehend how police abuse of women could become so widespread that a lawyer is considering taking out a class action lawsuit against the Police on behalf of women in NSW.


The NSW Police must take the following steps:


  • The NSW Police has a code of practice for handling domestic violence.

  • Women are ignored or bullied because officers do not follow the code.

  • When you consider how many women are killed every year by their abusers, it is imperative that police officers who do not follow the code are dismissed.

  • They do not deserve leniency, the code clearly explains the protocols, so they have no excuse for not following it.

  • Officers who do not follow the code are either unwilling or unable, either way they are unfit to be a police officer.

  • Any senior officer who has been found to have either ignored, covered up or excused any officer who did not follow the code should be dismissed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - because they are enablers of police abuse.


It is NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb’s job to stop police abuse. It should not be left up to a lawyer or anybody else.


If officers knew they faced instant dismissal for not following the rules, they would make certain to know and follow them, which would significantly reduce the incidence of police abuse.


This may sound extreme, if you haven't been subjected to police abuse, but for those who have, it doesn't go far enough. For the families of the women who have been killed by their abusers, AFTER they were ignored by the police, it is the very least we can do.

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