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Organizations apply a wait and see approach to complaints

It used to be that if you lodged a complaint it would be handled fairly. Today organizations are more likely to dismiss it outright, even if you have evidence it is legitimate.


This wait and see approach is despicable, it causes legitimate complaints to be rejected and innocent victims to suffer.


If an organization dismisses a complaint, then it is likely to end there, because most complainants do not have the time or resources to take it further.



Organizations wait for meditation

Some complainants do take their complaint further, either to a regulatory body or legal action. In each instance there is usually mediation a mediation stage, that is when organizations take the complaint seriously.


This wait and see approach is despicable, it causes legitimate complaints to be rejected and innocent victims to suffer. Importantly, it is not the organization that rejects the complaint, it is an individual within the organization.



Why do individuals within an organization cover up injustices?

They justify using duplicitous tactics by claiming they receive a large number of frivolous complaints, but that is not acceptable, because not all complaints are frivolous.


They do it because they lack character and they can get away with it. Even if the injustice is proven, there are rarely any consequences to the perpetrators of the cover up.



There has to be serious consequences

If we want to make a difference there has to be serious consequences to the individuals within an organization who are responsible for handling complaints. Even if the incident itself was only minor, the cover up is unacceptable.

How organizations get away with cover ups

An essential piece of our justice system should be the introduction of legislation that ensures the individuals responsible for handling complaints within an organization face serious consequences if they excuse, ignore or cover up a complaint. It would thwart injustice before it began and prevent untold and suffering.

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