The members who run NCAT Tribunals have been accused of widespread bullying, outrageous bias and serious miscarriages of justice - which is the complete opposite of what justice should look like.
Justice Matters has evidence against a Chief Registrar for playing word games to cover up gross misconduct by members and a Tribunal President for repeatedly not responding to complaints about the misconduct.
Tribunals function less formally than court proceedings, to provide faster and more affordable dispute resolutions. To that end, Tribunal members are given a high level of autonmomy to decide matters, but autonomy does not give members the right to bully or carry out miscarriages of justice.
Accountability measures need to be in place to ensure members behave in a fair and just manner. When a member does cross the line, they should be held to account - there should not be a cover up. Also, adminstrators who cover up, excuse or ignore member misconduct should be held to account.
Justice Matters will explore the possibility of taking out a class action against NCAT for the gross miscarriages of justice. We will also explore the possibility of taking legal action against the members who caused the injustice and the administrators who covered it up.
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Exposing NCAT member's bias, bullying & gross miscarriages of justice