Exposing corruption & cover ups

Elliott has been accused of impersonating a police officer on another occasion, to a group of teenage boys in his local area
Justice Matters has been told that David Elliott has been witnessed impersonating a police officer on at least one other occasion, this time to a group of teenage boys in his local area. David Elliott is not above the law just because he is a politician, he should be held to account the same as everybody else.

Are NSW police officers guilty of further double standards?
In September 2018 David Elliott posted photographs of himself firing two prohibited weapons, which is an offence that carries a maximum penalty of 14 years' prison. The police cleared Elliott, yet they charged NRL footballers Latrell Mitchell and Josh Addo-Carr, after Addo-Carr uploaded images of him shooting a gun on social media. This appears to be another double standard by the police that Justice Matters will investigate.
Former NSW police minister accused of assaulting a minor, impersonating a police officer and road rage offences

Consider this, you are being chased through the streets by another car, when you stop at a set of lights a man and woman jump out of the car that's chasing you, they open your door and the man tells you that he “worked for the cops”. When you ask to see his badge, the man doesn’t deny being a police officer, instead he says “I pay for the badges, I don’t get one." Then he formally requests to see your ID and tells you to get out of the car. If that is not impersonating a police officer then what is?

Have the NSW Government and the NSW Police failed in their duty to protect public safety?
Public safety is a fundamental responsibility of the NSW Government and the NSW Police. Since the police did not charge Elliott and the government has not taken any steps, then everybody is entitled to do what Elliott did, but that is an absurd notion, there would be chaos on our roads - nobody would be safe.

Are NSW police officers guilty of double standards?
In August 2021 the NSW Police charged a 35-year-old man with intimidation after allegedly verbally abusing David Elliott and following him into a shopping centre. Yet David Elliott was cleared of wrongdoing by the police after allegedly chasing a teenager for several kilometres, instead of taking down the registration. This appears to be a serious and blatant double standard. Justice Matters will investigate the officers involved and hold them to account for any wrongdoing.

Why didn't Elliott answer to the courts?
Our prisons are full of immature young men who acted impulsively or out of anger. Despite their immaturity, they were still held to account. Elliott is a mature government minister who is used to the cut and thrust of political life, he should be held accountable for his actions. But he did not even have to go to court, he was cleared by the NSW police before they consulted with legal counsel. Rather than taking steps to ensure Elliott was held to account, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet discussed highly paid public service roles for Elliott after he retires from politics.

Father of teenager wants Elliott charged
The father of the teenager that Elliott is accused of assaulting was interviewed on television saying that he wanted the police to charge Elliott, so why didn’t the police charge him? And why didn’t anybody from within the NSW Government step up and demand Elliott be charged? Chillingly, the father is so concerned about his family’s safety that he insisted his identity remain secret. That is a damning indictment upon our government and police.

NSW Police cleared David Elliott of impersonating a police officer without following proper process
Why did the NSW police clear Elliott of wrong-doing without following the proper procedure? Since several police officers were involved up to Assistant Commissioner level, then this appears to be a conspiracy that goes right to the top of the NSW police. Since Elliott was Police Minister at the time, then perhaps it went even further.