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Exposing corruption & cover ups

The NSW government and the NSW police have failed to protect public safety

Politicians are not above the law, so why did the police clear former NSW police minister David Elliott, without following the proper procedure? Why has the NSW government done nothing about it? Where is their regard for the safety of the NSW public?

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If Elliott did not break any laws, then we are all entitled to do what he did, which is an absurd notion because no member of the NSW public would be safe on our roads again.

When he was NSW police minster, David Elliott admitted that during a heated exchange he chased a teenager’s car using his “lights and horn”. When he caught the teenager Elliott said he “worked for the cops” whilst “formally” asking for the teenager's license, yelling at him, demanding that he "get out the car." When the teenager asked to see Elliott's badge he did not admit he wasn't a cop, instead Elliott said "I pay for the badges, I don't get one" which was another lie. During the confrontation Elliott's wife can be heard yelling at the teenager "Do you know who he is?"  Why would she say this if she was not trying to intimidate the teenager? Elliott has no privileges that give him the authority to force members of the public to obey him just because he is a politician.


Elliott does not work for the cops, he does not pay for the badges and if he was a cop then he would need a badge - so why did he tell those lies? If it was not to intimidate the teenager into getting out of the car and to show Elliott his license, then why else?​ This is a reasonable question that Elliott should be required to answer in court, but the NSW police cleared Elliott of impersonating a police officer without following the proper procedure, and the NSW government has done nothing about it.


If Elliott is not guilty of impersonating a police officer, that means anyone can chase you flashing their lights and horn. When they catch you they can open your door and claim they work for the cops whilst "formally" requesting ID and yelling at you, demanding that you get out of your car.


Since Elliott was not charged by the police and the NSW Government has not stepped in, then we are all entitled to do what Elliott did, but that is an absurd notion. Nobody would be safe on our roads again, and nobody should be expected to pull over for an unmarked police car with flashing lights - because it could be anybody.


Since public safety is a fundamental responsibility of the NSW Government and the NSW Police, then it is reasonable to question whether they have failed in their duty and have put every member of the NSW public at serious risk.

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