Police abuse of Emma and the cover ups by senior police officers
What would you do if your sister, your mother or your daughter was the victim of domestic violence, but each time your loved one bravely reached out to the police for protection, they were ignored, shamed, bullied, even threatened - by the police themselves.
What if someone you love was forced to flee a police station in fear because the police were openly hostile towards her? If she was so shaken that she needed to sit down on the steps outside, because she was incapable of walking just a few metres to the seats nearby? Would you be angry, furious? Would you want the officers involved to be held accountable?
What if you found out that the senior police refused to give Emma the CCTV footage, then claimed that the abuse was acceptable and it did not even warrant an investigation?
doesn't work
Police abuse of women is so prevalent that a lawyer involved with a women's advocacy is considering taking out a class action against the Police on behalf of women in NSW
It is the NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb's job to stop police abuse. It is not the job of a lawyer. Read more >
False claim about tragic case by NSW State Coroner's Office
NSW State Coroner Teresa O’Sullivan was in tears when she found that mistakes by the NSW Police contributed to the murders of Olga Edwards' teenage children Jack and Jennifer. But when O'Sullivan was told about new evidence which showed that the police mistakes were not isolated, her office said she did not have the power to reopen the case, which was false. Read more >