If you were mistreated by the police or a government department, it used to be the complaint would be treated fairly. But now senior police officers and public servants use duplicitous tactics to ignore, excuse or cover up complaints.
They justify using duplicitous tactics by claiming they receive a large number of frivolous complaints, but that is not acceptable, because not all complaints are frivolous.
Astonishingly, the police and government departments can even decide whether or not they investigate a complaint, and if you persist they will make threats to force you to back off.
They justify using duplicitous tactics by claiming they receive a large number of frivolous complaints, but that is not acceptable, because not all complaints are frivolous.
Prosecuting the individuals who cover up complaints and implement the policies
There is no such thing as a corrupt or unscrupulous organization, there are only individuals within an organization who are prepared to do the wrong thing.
Few people would be prepared to use duplicitous tactics to cover up a complaint. It would not matter if there was a policy in place, most people are decent and would refuse. But some people are bullies, they do not lose any sleep by doing something wrong.
The individuals responsible for implementing the policies should also be prosecuted, perhaps even more so because they are the architects.
These bullies deserve no leniency. Any senior police officer or public servant who has ignored, excused or covered up a legitimate complaint should be dismissed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The individuals responsible for implementing the policies should also be prosecuted, perhaps even more so because they are the architects.
10 common tactics used by the police & government departments
They can decide whether or not a complaint is even investigated. If they do decide to investigate, they often cover up the complaint to protect their collegues, with no concern for the suffering caused to the member of public.
They will dismiss complaints, even when there is conclusive evidence. If you persist, they will make threats to force you to back off.
They have verbal discussions and avoid communicating in writing, so there is no verifiable record of your mistreatment.
They change consultants, so it is difficult to identify who is responsible for the mistreatment and/or the cover up.
They do not sign correspondence, so it is not possible to identify who is responsible for the mistreatment and/or the cover up.
They do not answer the phone (millions of people have been unable to get through to Centrelink).
They do not abide by FOI requests.
If you take a complaint to the Ombudsman or a regulatory body they use the same duplicitous tactics to cover up complaints.
If you take a police complaint to the LECC, which is supposed to be an independent body, they hand it back to the police to investigate, which is mind-boggling.
In the most serious cases they will announce an investigation or a review. This is the ultimate cover up because it stops all questions. They can say "I cannot comment because the matter is the subject of an investigation", and by the time the investigation is complete the issue has long been forgotten.
Exposing duplicitous tactics used by police & government departments to cover up misconduct & abuse
Police officers or public servants who use duplicitous tactics to excuse, ignore or cover up legitimate complaints deserve no leniency. They should be dismissed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

When you lodge a complaint, the manager (or senior police officer) is likely to either ignore it or make excuses to cover it up, to protect the organization or their colleague, giving no consideration to your pain & suffering. Some managers will go as far as denying there was a mistake and if you persist they will even threaten you.