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In October 2013 two members of the public made a police report to a constable at Blacktown police station. The reported crimes included theft, fraud, computer hacking, Workcover fraud, false police reports, death threats and drug sales. The report also included evidence that implicated another constable at the station in the reported crimes.


The two members of the public told the constable they were extremely worried about a police officer being implicated in the crimes. They told him they had attended the station at a time when they knew the other constable would not be there, so she could not have any involvement, and that he should ensure the evidence implicating her was given to the officer in charge of professional standards.


Incredibly, rather than process the report as he was supposed to do, the constable who took the report gave it to the constable who was implicated in the crimes. Unsurprisingly, she buried the police report along with the evidence against her.


Justice Matters will campaign to ensure the two constables are prosecuted for conspiring to pervert justice. We will also campaign to ensure the senior officers are held to account, and prosecuted for their threats and the cover up.


By conspiring together to bury the police report, and the evidence against her, the two constables have perverted justice because the reported crimes have not been investigated, and neither has the constable's involvement in the crimes.




For over 10 years the two members of the public have been trying to get the NSW police to investigate the crimes they reported and to prosecute the two constables for conspiring to pervert justice, but senior officers have used threats, false pretenses and other duplicitous tactics to cover up the matter.


  • A professional standards officer dismissed the complaint by claiming it was not a proper police report. This is a staggering claim because the report was made to a police officer at a police station - which makes it a legitimate police report.

  • What the officer was referring to is that the constable who took the report did not process it correctly, which is confirmation of the conspiracy to bury it.

  • The professional standards officer confirmed the conspiracy by admitting the constable who took the report gave it to the constable who was implicated in the crimes. 


A superintendent acting on behalf of the commissioner’s office used false pretenses to dismiss the complaint. He was given an opportunity to reconsider his decision but he did not respond.

  • The professional standards officer tried to cover up the matter by forcing the two members of the public to make another police report, but they refused because they had already made a legitimate police report that should have been investigated.

  • After the two members of the public stood their ground and persisted with the complaint, two professional standards officers threatened one of the complainants with criminal charges if they did not stop following up on the complaint.

  • It is difficult to comprehend how a police officer could justify threatening criminal charges against a member of the public for following up on a complaint, to cover up a perversion of justice by two police constables. It is the type of police corruption you would only expect to see in a movie, not in real life.   More >

  • A superintendent acting on behalf of the commissioner’s office used false pretenses to dismiss the complaint. He was given an opportunity to reconsider his decision but he did not respond.

  • An assistant commissioner and acting assistant commissioner did not respond to complaints about the two constables or the threats and cover ups by senior officers. It is concerning they would ignore complaints about what amounts to criminal misconduct by officers under their command, and they should be held to account

  • Justice Matters wrote to NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley and NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb about the complaints but they did not respond. We are campaigning for their dismissal because police integrity is a fundamental responsibility of their roles.


Justice Matters will campaign to ensure the two constables are prosecuted for conspiring to pervert justice. We will also campaign to ensure the senior officers are held to account, and prosecuted for their threats and the cover up.


This is not an isolated incident, it has been well publicized that the NSW police conducts fake or improper investigations into complaints about police misconduct. This cannot be allowed to continue because police abuse is a serious problem.   More >

Prosecuting unethical senior NSW police officers for using threats & false pretenses to cover up police corruption

Senior police officers who cover up, excuse or ignore misconduct bring shame to police forces across Australia, because they enable police abuse. It is a betrayal of the enormous trust we place in them. They should be dismissed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.   Read more


Justice Matters has conclusively documented evidence against several senior NSW police officers up to the commissioner’s office. They used threats, false pretenses and other duplicitous tactics to cover up a conspiracy to pervert justice by two constables at Blacktown police station. When the complainant persisted, 2 professional standards officers threatened him with prison if he continued to follow up the complant.


It is deeply concerning that any senior officer would be prepared to cover up police misconduct, it is staggering to learn that it is so widespread.


It is deeply concerning that any senior officer would be prepared to cover up police misconduct, it is staggering to learn that it is so widespread. The officers should be instantly dismissed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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When it comes to the NSW police' efforts to cover up misconduct, this matter is merely the tip of the iceberg. The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission reported that it has been refused access during every critical incident investigation to date.   Read article

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