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NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley handed complaints about police cover ups back to the police to handle, it was inevitable the police would cover them up again

Justice Matters wrote to the minister in relation to:


  1. The serious threat to public safety caused by the police clearing David Elliott of wrongdoing in a traffic incident.

  2. The evidence that proves several senior officers used threats, false premises and other duplicitous tactics to cover up police misconduct.


The minister referred the complaints back to the police to handle. Unsurprisingly, they covered them up again. It is astonishing that the minister passed complaints about police cover ups back to the police - it was inevitable they would cover them up again.


It is astonishing that the minister passed complaints about police cover ups back to the police - it was inevitable they would cover them up again.


Public safety and police integrity are the police minister's most fundamental responsibilities, but Yasmin Catley (and NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb) has failed on both.

Dismissal of NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley

It is a sad reality that politicians are prepared to tell falsehoods to mislead the public, but how many times does a politician have to deceive the public before they are considered untrustworthy?

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Public safety and police integrity are the police minister's most fundamental responsibilities, but Yasmin Catley (and NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb) has failed on both.

Serious questions raised about honesty of Yasmin Catley, in relation to police press release following alleged fatal tasering of 95 year Clare Nowland

Internal police emails sent after the alleged fatal tasering of 95-year-old Clare Nowland have raised questions about why police chose to omit details of the incident in a media release.


Both commissioner Webb and Catley have repeatedly said that police wanted Mrs Nowland's family to find out about the taser before they heard through the media.


But emails released under parliamentary order reveal Mrs Nowland's family likely knew the details of the incident soon after she was hospitalised — before a media statement was issued.


NSW Opposition Leader Mark Speakman said the emails called into question Catley's version of events.


"It now appears that the family knew reasonably quickly, on the day of the tasering, what had happened," he said.


"The police minister has constantly told parliament that the delay was explicable because of the need to tell the family.


"It now appears that her chronology is inaccurate, it's misleading."


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Sharri Markson calls for NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley to resign amid accusations she 'misled parliament' and used 'offensive language' aimed at Jewish community

Sky News Australia host Sharri Markson has called for NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley to resign, revealing she has "misled parliament" and used offensive language when speaking about the Jewish community. 


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