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Join class action against NSW government for the serious threat to public safety
In October 2019 then NSW police minister David Elliott and his wife alleged that a 17 year old teenager collided with their car and drove off. Rather than taking down the license plate and reporting him to the police, Elliott chased the teenager for several kilometres through the streets, flashing his lights and beeping his horn.
This alone could be considered the act of a police officer. In NSW it is illegal for a member of the public to chase another car flashing their lights and beeping their horn, it is something only a police officer is permitted to do.
But Elliott went much further when they caught up with the teenager.

If Elliott and his wife did not break any laws then no member of the NSW public is safe on our roads again because it means that any gang can chase you though the streets flashing their lights and horn. When you stop at a set of lights the gang can run to your car, wrench open your door and claim they work for the cops to try and force you out of your car - which is an absurd notion!
The evidence against Elliott and his wife is overwhelming, including video footage of the incident and Elliott's own admissions. Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence the NSW police cleared him of wrongdoing, without following the correct procedure.
If Elliott did not break any laws then no member of the NSW public is safe on our roads again because any gang is now entitled to do what he and his wife did. By clearing Elliott of wrongdoing the NSW police have endangered any member of the public who drives on NSW roads.
By clearing Elliott of wrongdoing the NSW police have endangered any member of the public who drives on NSW roads.
It means that any gang can chase you though the streets flashing their lights and horn. When you stop at a set of lights the gang can run to your car, wrench open your door and claim they work for the cops to try and force you out of your car - which is an absurd notion!​
Serious questions need to be asked about the individuals below for their role in this matter, and for other impropriety:
When the teenager stopped at a set of lights Elliott and his wife jumped out, ran to his car, wrenched open his door, whereupon Elliott lied to the teenager, telling him he "worked for the cops" to try and force him out of his car. In the video Elliott and his wife can be heard repeatedly screaming at the teenager to get out of his car.
When the teenager asked to see his badge Elliott did not then admit that he wasn't a cop. Instead he told another lie saying "I pay for the badges, I don't get one". Then he "formally" demanded to see the teenager's license. If that is not impersonating a police officer then what is?
Elliott did not just impersonate a police officer, by chasing the teenager and trying to force him out of his car he also exercised a power or function of a police officer. On that basis, he should be charged under section 546D(2) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), which carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment for 7 years.
While they were trying to force the teenager out of his car, Elliott's wife can be heard yelling "Do you know who he is?" There is no question this was an attempt by Elliott's wife to bolster the deception that Elliott worked for the cops, to covince the teenager that Elliott had authority and he had to abide by their demands to get out of the car.
But the truth is that Elliott had no authority whatsover over the teenager.
Elliott did not just impersonate a police officer, by chasing the teenager and trying to force him out of his car he also exercised a power or function of a police officer. On that basis, he should be charged under section 546D(2) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), which carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment for 7 years.
Watch the videos below to find out more:
Further to this incident, a witness has told Justice Matters that Elliott has impersonated a police officer on another occasion, to a group of teenage boys in his local area. The witness said Elliott also lied to these teenagers, telling them that he "worked for the cops". David Elliott is not above the law, he should be held to account the same as everybody else.