You will be shocked to hear Emma's story of abuse by senior NSW police
Emma is a domestic violence victim/survivor who was ignored and bullied by the NSW Police when she reached out for their help. When she told the police that she would publicize their conduct a NSW Police Inspector threatened her. The police weaponized their power to harass Emma and they have used false pretenses to come to her home repeatedly.

The cover up is worse than the crime
ABC journalist Ian Verrender wrote an interesting article about the demise of Qantas CEO Alan Joyce and Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin. In the article Ian said "But the world has changed dramatically in the past decade. And scrutiny of corporate leaders, whether running stock exchange-listed public companies or private operations, is about to increase." The same is true for politicians, police officers & other community leaders.

Why hasn’t NSW Ambulance chief been dismissed for endangering the public?
The chief of NSW Ambulance Dominic Morgan personally arranged for an ambulance to be dispatched to Dominic Perrottet’s home and transport his injured wife to hospital read article. Morgan had no right making the call. The ambulance service is not for his personal use or to push a friend to the front of the queue, putting other members of the public at risk. Why hasn't he already been dismissed for endangering the public?

Senior police officer admits to giving false evidence in court hearing
Charges against NRL players Latrell Mitchell and Jack Wighton were dropped after the most senior officer involved in the duo’s arrest, Sgt David Power, admitted that he gave false evidence. Criminal defence lawyers say that police regularly falsify evidence. It mostly goes unnoticed because not everybody can afford a strong legal defence or has a high public profile to attract media attention.

Are you fed up with politicians who look after themselves?
The author of this article is a Justice Matters' subscriber who is fed up with politicians who make decisions that benefit themselves. I recently met Peter, a 79-year-old pensioner who fell over on the street in front of me because his grocery bags were too heavy. I offered to carry his bags home and found that he had very little food or furniture, no cupboards, no fridge and no lights - he was living in abject poverty.

EXPOSED: Shocking cover ups by senior NSW police officers
Over the past 10 years Justice Matters has gathered conclusively documented evidence of senior officers using threats, false pretences and other duplicitous tactics to cover up misconduct. The evidence goes to the very top of the NSW Police including the Commissioner's office, an assistant commissioner, 4 superintendents and several professional standards officers.
Prosecution of former NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian
When Gladys Berejiklian's secret lover Daryl Maguire told her about a "dodgy" deal, she told him "I don't need to know about that bit." On toe separate occasions she told Maguire she did not need to know information about his dealings. Berejiklian obviously had concerns, she knew enough to know that she did not need to know anymore, so why didn't she report it?

Prosecution of former NSW Police Minister David Elliott
It was reported that when he was NSW Police Minster David Elliott admitted that during a heated exchange he told a teenager he “worked for the cops” whilst “formally” demanding the teenager's license. Consider this, if Elliott is not guilty of impersonating a police officer, that means anyone can claim they work for the cops whilst "formally" requesting ID, which is an absurd notion - nobody would be safe on our roads again.

Have the NSW government and police failed in their duty to protect public safety?
NSW government minister David Elliott was cleared of assaulting a minor and impersonating a police officer by police, without following proper procedure, and the NSW government has done nothing about it. If Elliott did not break any laws, then we are all entitled to do what he did, which is an absurd notion because no member of the NSW public would be safe on our roads again.
Did the NSW police put Dominic Perrottet above the law?
In August 2021 NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller told officers that he won't hold them to account for wrongly issuing COVID-19 fines. He challenged officers to "go high-level enforcement". In October 2021, less than 2 months later, Dominic Perrottet breached public orders at a media press conference but the NSW police chose not to issue a fine. It seems an incredulous double standard. Why would Perrottet allow himself to be put above the law?

Have NSW police done favours for NSW politicians, are they a tool of the state?
Why did the NSW Police use the Fixated Persons Unit to arrest Kristo Langker for approaching former NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro in public, it seems overly extreme. Shouldn't public availability be a basic requirement of a politician? The police later dropped the charges and were ordered to pay costs. But that is not enough, who are the officers responsible? They should be held to account.

NSW Coroner's office false claim about tragic case
NSW State Coroner Teresa O’Sullivan was in tears when she found that mistakes by the NSW Police contributed to the murders of Olga Edwards' teenage children Jack and Jennifer. But when O'Sullivan was told about new evidence which showed that the police mistakes were not isolated, her office said she did not have the power to reopen the case, which was false.

Keli Lane was convicted of murdering her new born baby on circumstantial evidence
In 2010, Keli Lane was convicted of the 1996 murder of her baby Tegan, and sentenced to 18 years in prison. Keli’s conviction was based entirely on circumstantial evidence, with no evidence of a body, death, cause of death or motive, and no witnesses, confession or forensic evidence linking Keli with a homicide. The evidence in relation to prosecutorial misconduct was far more compelling than the evidence against Keli.

NSW police officer repeatedly punches NRL player Tom Starling in the face
Magistrate Daniel Covington found the police were not acting within their duty. "Clearly what occurred was nothing other than Tom being assaulted himself." The judge said that Senior Constable Daniel Drew admitted that he had "no reason to punch" Starling. It is not the job of the police to mete out punishment, their job was to arrest Starling so he could answer to the court. Constable Drew should be charged with assault.

Serious allegations against former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller
A former NSW Police Sergeant and a former NSW Police Prosecutor have made serious accusations against Mick Fuller and of a cover up by Gladys Berejiklian. If the accusations are true then Fuller and Berejiklian should be held to account. If the accusations are false then the sergeant and prosecutor should be held to account for spreading malicious rumours.

Westpac employee falsely imprisoned a 79 year old pensioner in office
In November 2021 a Westpac employee falsely imprisoned a vulnerable 79 year old pensioner in her office. The pensioner was the victim of fraud by a bikie gang, which Westpac had previously failed to protect him from when he went for their help several months earlier.

Serious concerns raised about ethics of the Australian Shareholders' Association
The ASA promotes itself as being the shareholders' voice and a corporate watchdog. It even monitors political parties. On that basis it's ethical standards should be beyond reproach. But serious ethical concerns have been raised by Neil Chenoweth who is a senior writer for the Australian Financial review. Justice Matters has evidence about other unethical issues at board and executive level.

Investigating former federal government MP George Christensen
In 2018 the Australian Federal Police warned the opposition leader Peter Dutton that former federal government MP George Christensen was a blackmail risk due to South-East Asia 'activities'. The public deserves to know what 'activities' Christensen engaged in and what action Peter Dutton took? Did Dutton take steps to suppress the information, if so what were they and why?

NT Chief Minister refuses to hand over documents - ICAC investigation closed
Michael Riches the Northern Territory's anti-corruption boss has revealed former chief minister Michael Gunner declined a request to handover cabinet documents to the ICAC, that were the subject of a "serious allegation". Gunner was within his legal right to reject the request but why would he? Gunner should be required to answer why he refused to cooperate with an anti-corruption investigation.

Exposing unscrupulous real estate agents
Justice Matters will ensure that the regulatory bodies use the existing legislation to ensure unscrupulous real estate agents are held to account. We have shocking evidence against the CEO of one of Australia's largest real estate organizations, who's agency allowed a 79 year old, vulnerable, pensioner to live without lights, without windows and they would not allow him to have a heater.

Victoria Police apologises to Rebel News journalist Avi Yemini
Victoria Police apologised for wrongfully arresting reporter Avi Yemeni not once but three times in 2020 and 2021. Justice Matters will investigate whether the officers responsible have been charged and whether the senior officers have engaged in a cover up.

Justice for the Croatian Six
Did the NSW Police conspire to mislead the court? It was reported that assistant commissioner Roy Whitelaw urged documents not to be shown to the defence since "it could blow a hole right through the police case". The Croatian Six spent more than a decade in jail over a bomb plot, now they want to clear their names.

NSW Police shoot and kill 20 year old Bradley Balzan
In December 2020 Bradley was shot dead after 4 officers approached him in the street. There are serious question about the police conduct which haven't been answered but the most serious question is why were 4 trained police officers with guns, unable to control a lone, unarmed man without killing him? A young man is dead and a family's life has been destroyed forever - they deserve justice.